The bulk of this CPRG Communique is devoted to the Proceedings of our Second Annual Conference held at and in association with New York University, Division of General Education and Extension Services, Bureau of Conferences and Institutes on July 20 and 21, 1964. The aim of our annual Conferences is to bring together the installation managers, the personnel men, and the psychologists to review the research that has been done in the fields of selection, training, and evaluation of computer personnel, and secondly, to allow the installation managers to further state the personnel problems they face in this new and dynamic field. The Proceedings present a record of the more formal aspects of the Conference; however, this Communique in toto is considered an informal exchange of information for CPRG members and therefore does not preclude the publication of any of these papers in the open literature. In addition to the Proceedings, there is one additional paper of interest and an initial bibliography of publications appropriate to our interests.
Proceeding Downloads
Summary report on nationwide testing effort
I think that one of the prime jobs that we have in the psychological testing field would be to educate the people who are users of the tests, and if there is a little pontificating on my part in this talk, it's due to my extreme feelings about the need ...
Predicting success in programmer training
The purpose of this study was to further explore the possibility of using cognitive tests for predicting success in programming training. While many studies have been reported indicating various correlations between cognitive tests and supervision ...
Levels of programmer jobs
My purpose this morning will be to report to you on some of the work that we have done to try to categorize or classify different programmer jobs. This work has, I feel, barely scratched the surface of the problem, but it does represent an approach in ...
Predicting programmer performance among non-preselected trainee groups
For those of you were in Chicago last summer at the last meeting of the Computer Personnel Research Group, at the conclusion of our paper we presented the research plan of an experiment we planned to conduct at Georgia Tech during the year which is now ...
A programmer appraisal instrument
This is an interim report of work that has been done to date on obtaining criteria for evaluating programmer performance and applying it to an appraisal instrument.
Computer personnel selection and criteria development
This is a report on the job analysis phase of a research program devoted to computer personnel selection and evaluation. The research program is being carried out by the Electronics Personnel Research Group attached to the Department of Psychology at ...
Computer professionalism: myth or fact
The question that I'd like to put before you this morning is that of computing as a profession.
Problems in administrative leadership in the computer field
Since I am going to discuss the problems of leadership in the computer field, it is important that I begin with a few words about myself and the computer installation with which I am associated. Who I am and where I come from has had a great influence ...
Data processing management: is it unique?
In the past few years, I've become pretty wary of self-diagnosis or diagnosing problems without much data. I don't have much data on your problem, but I do on a lot of other managerial problems. Let's explore the question of whether yours are unique. ...
A computer manager speaks: "my problems are..."
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Computer Personnel Research Group for inviting me to speak to its meeting today. Judging by the audience composition, however, one would think that I were at the American Psychological Association, instead of ...
Open discussion on computer manager problems
The topic was previously opened by David Mayer in his presentation and continues here regarding the use of "Natural Leaders" as described by Mr. Mayer.
Outline of procedure to standardize the PAI
The Programmer Appraisal Instrument (formerly titled the Programmer Performance Appraisal Instrument) has been shown to be reliable and valid for the programming installation at the Applied Physics Laboratory. The present study will establish rating ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
SIGMIS-CPR '19 | 30 | 20 | 67% |
SIGMIS-CPR '15 | 47 | 26 | 55% |
SIGSIM-CPR '14 | 35 | 26 | 74% |
SIGMIS-CPR '13 | 33 | 29 | 88% |
SIGCPR '02 | 32 | 15 | 47% |
SIGCPR '01 | 41 | 22 | 54% |
SIGCPR '99 | 50 | 32 | 64% |
SIGCPR '98 | 60 | 45 | 75% |
SIGCPR '97 | 33 | 28 | 85% |
SIGCPR '96 | 65 | 36 | 55% |
SIGCPR '95 | 54 | 21 | 39% |
Overall | 480 | 300 | 63% |