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An approach to analyzing recursive programs with exception handling constructs

Published: 01 April 2006 Publication History


Exception handling in modern programming languages is a mechanism that can improve software reliability. Since the signature of an C++ function may not specify the set of exceptions that the function can propagate, it is necessary to figure out the exceptions that may be raised during executing program, the origins of them and their propagation paths. Unfortunately, in large programs that contain recursive functions, this exceptional information can be difficult, if not impossible, to determine. Therefore, the paper proposes a new static analysis approach to analyze C++ recursive functions with exception handling constructs. Firstly, it presents a model that can describe the exception handling information for a C++ single function. Then, it proposes a new method to compute the set of exception types that propagate from a recursive function. Finally, the limitations and the applications of the model are discussed.


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  1. An approach to analyzing recursive programs with exception handling constructs



                      Information & Contributors


                      Published In

                      cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
                      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 41, Issue 4
                      April 2006
                      46 pages
                      Issue’s Table of Contents


                      Association for Computing Machinery

                      New York, NY, United States

                      Publication History

                      Published: 01 April 2006
                      Published in SIGPLAN Volume 41, Issue 4

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                      Author Tags

                      1. exception handling
                      2. exception propagation
                      3. programming language
                      4. recursive function
                      5. reliability
                      6. static analysis


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