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Retargeting vector animation for small displays

Published: 08 December 2005 Publication History


We present a method that preserves the recognizability of key object interactions in a vector animation. The method allows an artist to author an animation once, and then output it to any display device. We specifically target mobile devices with small screen sizes. In order to adapt an animation, the author specifies an importance value for objects in the animation. The algorithm then identifies and categorizes the vector graphics objects that comprise the animation, leveraging the implicit relationship between extensible Markup Language (XML) and scalable vector graphics (SVG). Based on importance, the animation can then be automatically retargeted for any display using artistically motivated resizing and grouping algorithms that budget size and spatial detail for each object.


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      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      MUM '05: Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia
      December 2005
      148 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 08 December 2005


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      1. WWW applications
      2. XML
      3. animation
      4. information visualization
      5. non-photorealistic rendering
      6. perception
      7. small displays
      8. vector graphics


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