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Using MEMS-based storage in computer systems---device modeling and management

Published: 01 May 2006 Publication History


MEMS-based storage is an emerging nonvolatile secondary storage technology. It promises high performance, high storage density, and low power consumption. With fundamentally different architectural designs from magnetic disk, MEMS-based storage exhibits unique two-dimensional positioning behaviors and efficient power state transitions. We model these low-level, device-specific properties of MEMS-based storage and present request scheduling algorithms and power management strategies that exploit the full potential of these devices. Our simulations show that MEMS-specific device management policies can significantly improve system performance and reduce power consumption.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Storage
ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 2, Issue 2
May 2006
113 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 May 2006
Published in TOS Volume 2, Issue 2


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  1. MEMS-based storage
  2. power management
  3. request scheduling


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