Cited By
View all- Mattos DGauffre SHellmuth PCais PPedroza JBegueret JBaudry A(2011)Design of an 8Gsps, 65nm CMOS wideband flash ADC2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems10.1109/ICECS.2011.6122300(410-413)Online publication date: Dec-2011
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- Mariano ABoumballa BDallet DDeval YBegueret JPetraglia APedroni VCauwenberghs G(2007)High-speed CMOS analog-to-digital converter for front-end receiver applicationsProceedings of the 20th annual conference on Integrated circuits and systems design10.1145/1284480.1284495(27-30)Online publication date: 3-Sep-2007