Cited By
View all- Murukannaiah PAjmeri NSingh M(2016)Engineering Privacy in Social ApplicationsIEEE Internet Computing10.1109/MIC.2016.3020:2(72-76)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2016
Social media can offer potential business benefits in the company context. However, successful social media initiative calls for careful strategic planning and approaching social media tools as enablers for reaching a purpose. A categorization of social ...
Applying uses and gratifications theory (UGT) and social capital theory, our study examined users of four social networking sites (SNSs) (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat), and their influence on online bridging and bonding social capital. ...
End-users are confined by the social networking platforms that they invest effort in to set up their social contacts and relationships. The centralized, monopolized, and silo approach of today's social networking providers discourage interoperability ...
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