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View all- Majbouri Yazdi KMajbouri Yazdi AKhodayi SHou JZhou WSaedy SRostami M(2020)Prediction optimization of diffusion paths in social networks using integration of ant colony and densest subgraph algorithmsJournal of High Speed Networks10.3233/JHS-20063526:2(141-153)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2020
- Fissaoui MBeni-Hssane ASaadi M(2017)Boycott based enhanced correction scheme for mac layer misbehavior in wireless networksProcedia Computer Science10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.364113(248-252)Online publication date: 2017
- Yadollahzadeh Tabari MPouyan A(2017) Misbehavior analysis of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer in mobile ad hoc network using stochastic reward nets International Journal of Communication Systems10.1002/dac.338530:16Online publication date: 10-Aug-2017
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