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The role of domain ontologies in database design: An ontology management and conceptual modeling environment

Published: 01 September 2006 Publication History


Database design is difficult because it involves a database designer understanding an application and translating the design requirements into a conceptual model. However, the designer may have little or no knowledge about the application or task for which the database is being designed. This research presents a methodology for supporting database design creation and evaluation that makes use of domain-specific knowledge about an application stored in the form of domain ontologies. The methodology is implemented in a prototype system, the Ontology Management and Database Design Environment. Initial testing of the prototype illustrates that the incorporation and use of ontologies is effective in creating entity-relationship models.


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  1. The role of domain ontologies in database design: An ontology management and conceptual modeling environment



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    ACM Transactions on Database Systems  Volume 31, Issue 3
    September 2006
    400 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 01 September 2006
    Published in TODS Volume 31, Issue 3


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    1. Ontology
    2. conceptual modeling
    3. database design
    4. entity-relationship modeling
    5. integrity constraints
    6. ontology management and database design environment


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