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10.1145/1173706.1173744acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgpceConference Proceedingsconference-collections

TCS:: a DSL for the specification of textual concrete syntaxes in model engineering

Published: 22 October 2006 Publication History


Domain modeling promotes the description of various facets of information systems by a coordinated set of domain-specific languages (DSL). Some of them have visual/graphical and other may have textual concrete syntaxes. Model Driven Engineering (MDE) helps defining the concepts and relations of the domain by the way of metamodel elements. For visual languages, it is necessary to establish links between these concepts and relations on one side and visual symbols on the other side. Similarly, with textual languages it is necessary to establish links between metamodel elements and syntactic structures of the textual DSL. To successfully apply MDE in a wide range of domains we need tools for fast implementation of the expected growing number of DSLs. Regarding the textual syntax of DSLs, we believe that most current proposals for bridging the world of models (MDE) and the world of grammars (Grammarware) are not completely adapted to this need. We propose a generative solution based on a DSL called TCS (Textual Concrete Syntax). Specifications expressed in TCS are used to automatically generate tools for model-to-text and text-to-model transformations. The proposed approach is illustrated by a case study in the definition of a telephony language.


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cover image ACM Conferences
GPCE '06: Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering
October 2006
310 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 22 October 2006


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  1. DSL
  2. concrete syntax
  3. model driven engineering


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GPCE06: Generative Programming and Component Engineering 2006
October 22 - 26, 2006
Oregon, Portland, USA

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Overall Acceptance Rate 56 of 180 submissions, 31%


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