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Propositional Satisfiability and Constraint Programming: A comparative survey

Published: 25 December 2006 Publication History


Propositional Satisfiability (SAT) and Constraint Programming (CP) have developed as two relatively independent threads of research cross-fertilizing occasionally. These two approaches to problem solving have a lot in common as evidenced by similar ideas underlying the branch and prune algorithms that are most successful at solving both kinds of problems. They also exhibit differences in the way they are used to state and solve problems since SAT's approach is, in general, a black-box approach, while CP aims at being tunable and programmable. This survey overviews the two areas in a comparative way, emphasizing the similarities and differences between the two and the points where we feel that one technology can benefit from ideas or experience acquired from the other.


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ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 38, Issue 4
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Published: 25 December 2006
Published in CSUR Volume 38, Issue 4


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