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View all- Lachney MYadav A(2020)Computing and community in formal educationCommunications of the ACM10.1145/337991863:3(18-21)Online publication date: 24-Feb-2020
- Kienzle JMussbacher GCombemale BBastin LBencomo NBruel JBecker CBetz SChitchyan RCheng BKlingert SPaige RPenzenstadler BSeyff NSyriani EVenters C(2020)Toward model-driven sustainability evaluationCommunications of the ACM10.1145/337190663:3(80-91)Online publication date: 24-Feb-2020
- Awad EDsouza SBonnefon JShariff ARahwan I(2020)Crowdsourcing moral machinesCommunications of the ACM10.1145/333990463:3(48-55)Online publication date: 24-Feb-2020
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