Cited By
View all- Ekmen BEkenel H(2019)From 2D to 3D real-time expression transfer for facial animationMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-018-6785-878:9(12519-12535)Online publication date: 1-May-2019
This paper presents a novel facial animation retargeting system that is carefully designed to support the animator's workflow. Observation and analysis of the animators' often preferred process of key-frame animation with blendshape models informed our ...
This paper presents a framework for transferring rig parameters from a source animation to a target model, allowing artists to further refine and adjust the animation. Most previous methods only transfer animations to meshes or joint parameters. However,...
This paper presents a novel facial animation retargeting system that is carefully designed to support the animator's workflow. Observation and analysis of the animators' often preferred process of key-frame animation with blendshape models informed our ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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