SIGACT news complexity theory column 53
- SIGACT news complexity theory column 53
SIGACT news complexity theory column 36
This current issue's guest column is by Bill Gasarch, and reports on a poll he has conducted on the most famous open question in complexity theory: P=?NP. If Mitsunori Ogihara's prediction that P-vs-NP will not be resolved until the year 3000 is correct,...
SIGACT News Complexity Theory Column 100
This is column number 100, and Bill Gasarch has very kindly made it an event! In particular, this issue's column is the third of Bill Gasarch's series of polls on the eld's thoughts on P vs. NP (and other central issues in complexity). The rst two polls ...
SIGACT News Complexity Theory Column 101
This issue's column brings to a close the half-year of Bill in the Complexity Theorem Column. In particular, the previous issue's Complexity Theory Column was Bill Gasarch's third P versus NP poll, and this issue's column is Bill, Erik, Jacob, and Scott'...
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Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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