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The access area is represented by a technology alphabet soup spanning wired, wireless and legacy networks is seen to be rapidly emerging with a strong and sustained technological and business growth. Research has led to massive development and deployment in the access networking space leading to significant efforts in merging the bandwidth bottleneck between ever growing PC speeds and the high speed network core. In addition to broadband services, the access area also represents consumers that desire pervasive as well as ubiquitous services. Therefore, the access network is a hot investment pool from both a financial as well as a research perspective.Accessnets is a forum that brings together scientists/researchers from academia and managers/engineers from the industry and government organizations to meet and exchange ideas and recent work in this emerging area of networking.Accessnets will be held in the beautiful and historic city of Athens Greece in the Summer of 2006, between September 4 and 6.Conference proceedings will be published by ACM and will be available through ACM Digital Library.Accessnets will have two technology tracks and a business track:• Wired track: The wired track encourages researchers and industry to discuss recent work as well as upcoming ideas relegated to the field of wired access networks. Specifically papers are solicited to the areas pertaining to xDSL technology, Passive Optical Networking technology, Coaxial Copper technology, and Coarse WDM technology.• Wireless track: The wireless track encourages researchers and industry to discuss recent work as well as upcoming ideas relegated to the field of wireless communication in the last mile and the last inch. Specifically, papers are solicited in the areas of fixed wireless broadband access (e.g. Wifi and WIMAX) and mobile network design and protocols as well as in the area of personal wireless networks.• Business track: The business track will focus on issues pertaining to e-government, community networks, regulatory issues and public/municipal infrastructures. The business track will be a forum for exchange of ideas between communities and vendors as well as between communities themselves from technological, investment, regulatory and deployment perspectives. Industry leaders and community captains will be invited speakers in this track.
Proceeding Downloads
UMTS radio distribution over transparent optical networks
In this work the feasibility of UMTS (3G) transmission over Passive Optical Networks (PONs) is evaluated. Based on a simulation model for the system, impairments are identified and characterized.
FAWNA: a high-speed mobile communication network architecture
The concept of a fiber aided wireless network architecture (FAWNA) is introduced in [Ray et al., Allerton 2005], which allows high-speed mobile connectivity by leveraging the speed of optical networks. In this paper, we consider a single-input, multiple-...
Radio over fiber in multimedia access networks
Dominant broadband access technologies today are Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) and hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) networks. DSL leads, with global subscribers exceeding 100 million, while cable-modem subscribers worldwide total 55 million in 2005 [1]. ...
Long-term evolution of passive optical networks
With the recent increase of the number of Fiber-to-the-Home deployments worldwide, and the corresponding huge investment in infrastructure, there is a need to devise a migration path that assures the full future usability and enhanced performance of the ...
Design of IEEE 802.16-based multi-hop wireless backhaul networks
Traditional 3G cellular networks use wired T1 links to form the backhaul networks to connect base stations to the controller. These backhaul networks will become the bottleneck with the proliferation of high-speed wireless data access technologies. ...
Preparing the legacy networks for broadband services
For delivering NGN services to customers, the legacy networks must experience various evolutions. This paper dissects the first crucial steps in this way.Data gathering and automation of network information archive, access network check and refinement, ...
A new generation of multi-service access networks: results of MUSE phase I
- Peter Vetter,
- François Fredricx,
- Benoit De Vos,
- Edith Gilon,
- Kare Gustafsson,
- Jeroen Wellen,
- Michel Borgne,
- Les Humphrey,
- Alex De Smedt,
- Rob van den Brink
The paper gives a survey of the major results achieved by the European MUSE project during its first phase. The research covers multi service access architectures, first mile solutions, residential gateways and their integration in end-to-end lab ...
Multi-PON access/metro network using a coarse-WDM AWG router
A novel access/metro network architecture based on a coarse wavelength division multiplexing array waveguide grating router, supporting multiple passive optical networks (PONs) in the downstream and switching up to 32 optical network units (ONUs) per ...
Evolution of WLANs towards VoIP traffic and higher throughputs
As WLANs have become more popular, limitations in the original design of WLAN have also become more evident. The MAC protocol of WLAN was designed to reduce transmission collisions in a distributed access environment. In many cases however, the user-...
Measurements to assist access network design with fixed WiMAX in urban environment
WiMAX is a wireless MAN technology designed to diminish the broadband gap in rural areas and to provide the last mile solution. Besides, the WiMAX also ensures efficient access method in urban environment due to the good NLOS behavior of the OFDM ...
Opportunistic wireless access networks
Today, intermittent connectivity is common in wireless access networks and it seems like mobile users will have to deal with discontinuous network access in the future. But existing network protocol architectures are not resilient to disruption of ...
Municipal broadband access networks in the Netherlands - three successful cases, and how New Europe may benefit
In the Netherlands there have been various successful municipal broadband access network projects in the last few years, and many more projects are taking shape at this moment. Some of them are targeting business, others aim to connect residents, and ...
Security and self-organization in transparent optical networks: an overview
The recent research on Internet Protocol-over-Wavelength Division Multiplexing (IP-over-WDM), driven by the explosion of the Internet data traffic, has uncovered many interesting issues, and much progress has been made as well. While transparent WDM ...
Performance evaluation of the physical layer for 10 Gbit/s ethernet passive optical networks
This paper presents a physical layer performance evaluation of an Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) upgraded to 10 Gbit/s transmission data rate, considering both transmission directions. The performance evaluation is based on an EPON physical ...
Access networks in the Czech Republic: status and issues
Situation in the Czech Republic in deployment of various broadband access technologies to the Internet is described in detail. Information on the broadband access market is provided and the market players identified.
Protection of long-reach PON traffic
A resilience strategy is introduced for networks implementing dual homing (dual parenting) of customers, specifically those employing Long-Reach PONs (LR-PONs). Assuming that some mechanism exists to detect network element failures, the discussion ...
Duobinary modulation format in 10 Gb/s ethernet multi mode fibre (MMF) transmission systems
We compare experimentally the on-off keying (OOK) modulation format with the bandwidth efficient duobinary modulation format in 10 Gb/s Ethernet short haul transmission systems based on multi mode fibre (MMF). Thereby, the investigations are focussed on ...
A comparison of MANETs and WMNs: commercial feasibility of community wireless networks and MANETs
In the past a lot of effort has been put into resolving some of the major challenges of AdHoc networks especially the added ones brought up by the mobility of nodes and the absence of infrastructure in MANETs. Unlike MANETs, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs)...
Public infrastructures for internet access in metropolitan areas
- Elias C. Efstathiou,
- Fotios A. Elianos,
- Pantelis A. Frangoudis,
- Vasileios P. Kemerlis,
- Dimitrios C. Paraskevaidis,
- Eleftherios C. Stefanis,
- George C. Polyzos
Wireless Community Networks (WCNs) are metropolitan-area networks with nodes owned and managed by volunteers. These networks can be used to build large scale public infrastructures for providing ubiquitous wireless broadband access through the private ...
Design aspects of open municipal broadband networks
This paper presents the design principles that cover the implementation of broadband infrastructure in the region of Western Greece, by examining all the necessary parameters that arise while implementing such a critical developmental project. ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Access networks