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The Web as a graph: How far we are

Published: 01 February 2007 Publication History


In this article we present an experimental study of the properties of webgraphs. We study a large crawl from 2001 of 200M pages and about 1.4 billion edges, made available by the WebBase project at Stanford, as well as several synthetic ones generated according to various models proposed recently. We investigate several topological properties of such graphs, including the number of bipartite cores and strongly connected components, the distribution of degrees and PageRank values and some correlations; we present a comparison study of the models against these measures.Our findings are that (i) the WebBase sample differs slightly from the (older) samples studied in the literature, and (ii) despite the fact that these models do not catch all of its properties, they do exhibit some peculiar behaviors not found, for example, in the models from classical random graph theory.Moreover we developed a software library able to generate and measure massive graphs in secondary memory; this library is publicy available under the GPL licence. We discuss its implementation and some computational issues related to secondary memory graph algorithms.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  Volume 7, Issue 1
February 2007
184 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 February 2007
Published in TOIT Volume 7, Issue 1


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