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PLOS '06: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Programming languages and operating systems: linguistic support for modern operating systems
ACM2006 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
ASPLOS06: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems San Jose California 22 October 2006
22 October 2006
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Linguistic support for modern operating systems workshop on programming languages and operating systems 2006 (PLOS 2006)

This report gives an overview over the Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS 2006), which was colocated with ASPLOS XII. It introduces the motivation for the work-shop and gives a summary of the workshop contributions.

Atomicity and visibility in tiny embedded systems

Visibility is a property of a programming language's memory model that determines when values stored by one concurrent computation become visible to other computations. Our work exploits the insight that in nesC, a C-like language with explicit ...

Writing Solaris device drivers in Java

Operating system kernels have been traditionally written in C for flexibility and efficiency. They, however, often suffer from bugs and security vulnerabilities because C is inherently error-prone and unsafe. While there have been attempts to ...


Modern cars contain a multitude of micro controllers for a wide area of tasks. The diversity of the heterogeneous hardware and software leads to a complicated and expensive integration process.Integrating multiple tasks on fewer micro controllers ...

SysObjC: C extension for development of object-oriented operating systems

Object-oriented operating systems prefer to consider every data structure as an object. However, data structures predefined by the hardware's manufacturer do not fit into this scheme. First of all, traditional object-oriented languages do not support ...

Efficient type and memory safety for tiny embedded systems

We report our experience in implementing type and memory safety in an efficient manner for sensor network nodes running TinyOS: tiny embedded systems running legacy, C-like code. A compiler for a safe language must often insert dynamic checks into the ...

Type inference for unboxed types and first class mutability

Systems programs rely on fine-grain control of data representation and use of state to achieve performance, conformance to hard-ware specification, and temporal predictability. The robustness and checkability of these programs could be greatly improved ...

A: an assertion language for distributed systems

Operator mistakes have been identified as a significant source of unavailability in Internet services. In this paper, we propose a new language, A, for service engineers to write assertions about expected behaviors, proper configurations, and proper ...

Programming language challenges in systems codes: why systems programmers still use C, and what to do about it

There have been major advances in programming languages over the last 20 years. Given this, it seems appropriate to ask why systems programmers continue to largely ignore these languages. What are the deficiencies in the eyes of the systems programmers? ...

Semantic patches for documenting and automating collateral evolutions in Linux device drivers

Developing and maintaining drivers is known to be one of the major challenges in creating a general-purpose, practically-useful operating system [1, 3]. In the case of Linux, device drivers make up, by far, the largest part of the kernel source code, ...

Portability events: a programming model for scalable system infrastructures

Clustered Objects (COs) [1] have been proven to be an effective abstraction for improving scalability of systems software [2, 3]. But can we devise a programming model that would allow COs to live outside the specialized environments of these operating ...

Issues in holistic system design

The coordination of layers in computer and software systems is one of the main challenges in designing such systems today. In this paper we consider Holistic System Design as a way of integrating requirements and facilities of different system layers. ...

  • Technical University of Denmark


Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 17 of 32 submissions, 53%
PLOS '1516744%
PLOS '13161063%