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The string edit distance matching problem with moves

Published: 02 February 2007 Publication History


The edit distance between two strings S and R is defined to be the minimum number of character inserts, deletes, and changes needed to convert R to S. Given a text string t of length n, and a pattern string p of length m, informally, the string edit distance matching problem is to compute the smallest edit distance between p and substrings of t.
We relax the problem so that: (a) we allow an additional operation, namely, substring moves; and (b) we allow approximation of this string edit distance. Our result is a near-linear time deterministic algorithm to produce a factor of O(log n log* n) approximation to the string edit distance with moves. This is the first known significantly subquadratic algorithm for a string edit distance problem in which the distance involves nontrivial alignments. Our results are obtained by embedding strings into L1 vector space using a simplified parsing technique, which we call edit-sensitive parsing (ESP).


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  1. The string edit distance matching problem with moves



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    ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 3, Issue 1
    February 2007
    178 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 02 February 2007
    Published in TALG Volume 3, Issue 1


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    Author Tags

    1. Approximate pattern matching
    2. data streams
    3. edit distance
    4. embedding
    5. similarity search
    6. string matching


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