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An exploration of the principles underlying redundancy-based factoid question answering

Published: 01 April 2007 Publication History


The so-called “redundancy-based” approach to question answering represents a successful strategy for mining answers to factoid questions such as “Who shot Abraham Lincoln?” from the World Wide Web. Through contrastive and ablation experiments with Aranea, a system that has performed well in several TREC QA evaluations, this work examines the underlying assumptions and principles behind redundancy-based techniques. Specifically, we develop two theses: that stable characteristics of data redundancy allow factoid systems to rely on external “black box” components, and that despite embodying a data-driven approach, redundancy-based methods encode a substantial amount of knowledge in the form of heuristics. Overall, this work attempts to address the broader question of “what really matters” and to provide guidance for future researchers.


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      ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 25, Issue 2
      April 2007
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 01 April 2007
      Published in TOIS Volume 25, Issue 2


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