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As a part of the long standing ACM Southeast conference series, the 45th Annual ACM Southeast Conference continues to provide a reliable forum for faculty and student researchers to present quality research results on a wide variety of topics. The program includes an ample selection of papers, posters, and tutorials, as well as keynote talks from well-known researchers in the field.
This year, paper and poster contributions were made in twenty three major areas, including software engineering, simulation and modeling, programming languages, computer graphics, information retrieval, network security, computational biology, and many others. A total of 151 regular and student papers were submitted, from which 81 regular papers and 8 student papers were accepted. The overall acceptance rate was approximately 59%. In addition, 30 regular and student posters were submitted, from which 17 were accepted for inclusion in the conference proceedings, giving an poster acceptance rate of approximately 56%.
Seven two-hour tutorials were selected, which are offered during both days of the conference. Three special sessions on bioinformatics and computational biology, computer and network security, and entertainment computing are also offered. Many thanks go to all Special Session Chairs for their work.