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10.1145/1233341.1233383acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesacm-seConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Finding association rules of cis-regulatory elements involved in alternative splicing

Published: 23 March 2007 Publication History


Alternative splicing (AS) is a major mechanism to generate protein diversity. A single gene might generate hundreds or even thousands of different proteins. Recently, powerful large-scale AS profiling microarrays have been developed, but computational methods which investigate the regulation of AS are still lagging behind. Researchers have focused on finding cis-regulatory motifs in pre-mRNA sequences. However, most studies are searching for single motifs, while many splicing events seem to be regulated by a combination of splicing factors.
In this paper, we use association rule mining to discover cis-regulatory motifs that are responsible for distinct alternative splicing patterns in 10 mouse tissues. The inferred association rules indicate that alternative splicing pattern in different tissues might be explained by different motif combinations. Many of our discovered cis-regulatory motif candidates coincide with known splicing factor binding sites.


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ACMSE '07: Proceedings of the 45th annual ACM Southeast Conference
March 2007
574 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 March 2007


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  1. alternative splicing
  2. association rule mining
  3. sequence motif
  4. splicing regulatory elements


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ACM SE07: ACM Southeast Regional Conference
March 23 - 24, 2007
North Carolina, Winston-Salem

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