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Adaptive sampling of reflectance fields

Published: 01 June 2007 Publication History


Image-based relighting achieves high quality in rendering, but it requires a large number of measurements of the reflectance field. This article discusses sampling techniques that improve on the trade-offs between measurement effort and reconstruction quality.
Specifically, we (i) demonstrate that sampling with point lights and from a sparse set of incoming light directions creates artifacts which can be reduced significantly by employing extended light sources for sampling, (ii) propose a sampling algorithm which incrementally chooses light directions adapted to the properties of the reflectance field being measured, thus capturing significant features faster than fixed-pattern sampling, and (iii) combine reflectance fields from two different light domain resolutions.
We present an automated measurement setup for well-defined angular distributions of the incident, indirect illumination. It is based on programmable spotlights with controlled aperture that illuminate the walls around the scene.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Graphics
ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 26, Issue 2
June 07
106 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 June 2007
Published in TOG Volume 26, Issue 2


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  1. Image-based relighting
  2. reflectance fields


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