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The spin-wave nanoscale reconfigurable mesh and the labeling problem

Published: 01 July 2007 Publication History


In this article, we present a nanoscale reconfigurable mesh which is interconnected by ferromagnetic spin-wave buses. In this architecture, unlike the traditional spin-based nano structures which transmit charge, waves are transmitted. As a result, the power consumption of the proposed modules can be low. This reconfigurable mesh, while requiring the same number of switches and buses as the standard reconfigurable mesh, is capable of simultaneously transmitting N waves on each of the spin-wave buses. Because of this highly parallel feature, very fast and fault-tolerant algorithms can be designed. To illustrate the superior performance of the proposed spin-wave reconfigurable mesh, we present three fast labeling algorithms.


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  1. The spin-wave nanoscale reconfigurable mesh and the labeling problem



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    cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 3, Issue 2
    July 2007
    138 pages
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    Published: 01 July 2007
    Published in JETC Volume 3, Issue 2


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    1. Spin waves
    2. image processing
    3. nanoscale architectures
    4. reconfigurable mesh


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