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Faster algorithms for sorting by transpositions and sorting by block interchanges

Published: 01 August 2007 Publication History


In this article, we present a new data structure, called the permutation tree, to improve the running time of sorting permutation by transpositions and sorting permutation by block interchanges. The existing 1.5-approximation algorithm for sorting permutation by transpositions has time complexity O(n3/2logn). By means of the permutation tree, we can improve this algorithm to achieve time complexity O(nlogn). We can also improve the algorithm for sorting permutation by block interchanges to take its time complexity from O(n2) down to O(nlogn).


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ACM Transactions on Algorithms  Volume 3, Issue 3
August 2007
216 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Published: 01 August 2007
Published in TALG Volume 3, Issue 3


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  1. Block interchange
  2. genome
  3. permutation
  4. time complexity
  5. transposition
  6. tree


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