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View all- Mu JShankar KLysecky R(2013)Profiling and online system-level performance and power estimation for dynamically adaptable embedded systemsACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems10.1145/2442116.244213512:3(1-20)Online publication date: 8-Apr-2013
- Mu JLysecky RJerraya ACarloni LChang NFummi F(2012)Adaptive online heuristic performance estimation and power optimization for reconfigurable embedded systemsProceedings of the eighth IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware/software codesign and system synthesis10.1145/2380445.2380489(265-274)Online publication date: 7-Oct-2012
- Piscitelli RPimentel A(2012)A High-Level Power Model for MPSoC on FPGAIEEE Computer Architecture Letters10.1109/L-CA.2011.2411:1(13-16)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2012
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