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LATE '07: Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Linking aspect technology and evolution
ACM2007 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
AOSD07: 6th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development Vancouver British Columbia Canada March 12 - 16, 2007
12 March 2007
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Bridging the gap between aspect mining and refactoring

Aspect-mining techniques help to identify crosscutting structure that could potentially be modularized through object-oriented (OO) or aspect-oriented refactoring (AO). This paper describes a case study in which we used aspect-mining techniques to ...

Surrendering to the need for speed while maintaining visibility in adverse code conditions

Speed is a necessity in low-level systems software. Mechanisms through which it is achieved are often at odds with well-known practices in terms of evolution and maintenance tasks. Ironically, though these mechanisms often create adverse code conditions,...

Role annotations and adaptive aspect frameworks

This paper presents a model for improving the adaptiveness of AOP frameworks. While a metadata pointcut can be an effective tool for encapsulating and consuming the program events related to a crosscutting concern, AOP languages do not provide a ...

Aiding evolution with concern-oriented guides

Program documentation is often incomplete and out of date due to its tediousness and perceived low value. This requires evolution tasks to be preceded by time-consuming exploration. In this paper, we explore a concern-oriented approach to documentation ...

Test-based pointcuts: a robust pointcut mechanism based on unit test cases for software evolution

This paper proposes test-based pointcuts, a new aspect-oriented programming language construct that uses unit test cases as interface of crosscutting concerns. A test-based pointcut primarily specifies a set of test cases associated to a program. At ...

A comparison of logic-based infrastructures for concern detection and extraction

In this paper we evaluate logic code analysis and transformation frameworks for their suitability as basic infrastructures for fast detection and extraction of (crosscutting) concerns. Using design patterns as example concerns, we identify desirable ...

On some criteria for comparing aspect mining techniques

Many aspect mining techniques have already been proposed, even if aspect mining is a relatively new research domain. That is why the necessity to classify and to compare them has emerged. Not all the characteristics of the aspect mining techniques were ...

  • Sirris
