Cited By
View all- Mendiburu AMiguel-Alonso JLozano J(2010)A Review on Parallel Estimation of Distribution AlgorithmsParallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence10.1007/978-3-642-10675-0_7(143-163)Online publication date: 2010
Motivated by the migration mechanisms of ecosystems, various extensions to biogeography-based optimization (BBO) are proposed here. As a global optimization method, BBO is an original algorithm based on the mathematical model of organism distribution in ...
This work presents an implementation of the asynchronous island model suitable for multi-objective evolutionary optimization on heterogeneous and large-scale computing platforms. The migration of individuals is regulated by the crowding comparison ...
A new fitness-based individual migration operator after the model of a migration phenomenon in a natural ecosystem is presented. The relative fitness variations are evaluated for each individual and those are used to determine whether an individual ...
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