Cited By
View all- Booth JCyr-Choinière OCase JShah DYuen MKramer-Bottiglio R(2020)Surface Actuation and Sensing of a Tensegrity Structure Using Robotic SkinsSoft Robotics10.1089/soro.2019.0142Online publication date: 25-Sep-2020
Tensegrity structures are stable 3-dimensional mechanical structures which maintain their form due to an intricate balance of forces between disjoint rigid elements and continuous tensile elements. Tensegrity structures can give rise to lightweight ...
Tensegrities consist of disjoint struts connected by tensile strings which maintain shape due to pre-stress stability. Because of their rigidity, foldability and deployability, tensegrities are becoming increasingly popular in engineering. Unfortunately ...
An innovative direct encoding scheme of a tensegrity structure.The proposed method uses the least design variable.Genetic algorithm as a form-finding procedure for an irregular tensegrity structure. A novel and versatile numerical technique to solve a ...
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