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Self-adaptive simulated binary crossover for real-parameter optimization

Published: 07 July 2007 Publication History


Simulated binary crossover (SBX) is a real-parameter recombinationoperator which is commonly used in the evolutionary algorithm (EA) literature. The operatorinvolves a parameter which dictates the spread of offspring solutionsvis-a-vis that of the parent solutions. In all applications of SBX sofar, researchers have kept a fixed value throughout a simulation run. In this paper, we suggest a self-adaptive procedure of updating theparameter so as to allow a smooth navigation over the functionlandscape with iteration. Some basic principles of classicaloptimization literature are utilized for this purpose. The resultingEAs are found to produce remarkable and much better results comparedto the original operator having a fixed value of the parameter. Studieson both single and multiple objective optimization problems are madewith success.


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cover image ACM Conferences
GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation
July 2007
2313 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 07 July 2007


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  1. real-parameter optimization
  2. recombination operator
  3. self-adaptation
  4. simulated binary crossover


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