Cited By
View all- Kimbrough SWood DPelikan MBranke J(2010)Randomized interpolationProceedings of the 12th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation10.1145/1830761.1830877(2091-2092)Online publication date: 7-Jul-2010
Based on the technique of C-shaped G^1 Hermite interpolation by a cubic Pythagorean-hodograph (PH) curve, we present a simple method for C-shaped G^2 Hermite interpolation by a rational cubic Bezier curve. The method reproduces a circular arc when the ...
The genetic algorithm (GA) is a popular, biologically inspired optimization method. However, in the GA there is no rule of thumb to design the GA operators and select GA parameters. Instead, trial-and-error has to be applied. In this paper we present an ...
We describe a parametric cubic spline interpolation scheme for planar curves which is based on an idea of Sabin for the construction of C^1 bicubic parametric spline surfaces. The method is a natural generalization of [standard] Hermite interpolation. ...
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