Cited By
View all- Hendtlass TMoser IRandall M(2009)Dynamic Problems and Nature Inspired Meta-heuristicsBiologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods10.1007/978-3-642-01262-4_4(79-109)Online publication date: 2009
The CHC algorithm uses an elitist selection method that, combined with an incest prevention mechanism and a method to diverge the population whenever it converges, allows the maintenance of the population diversity. This algorithm was successfully used ...
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are widely used to deal with optimization problems in dynamic environments (DE) [3]. When using EAs to solve DE problems, we are usually interested in the algorithm's ability to adapt and recover from the changes. One of ...
The proposed constrained differential evolution framework uses nondominated sorting mutation operator based on fitness and diversity information for constrained optimization. This study proposes a new constraint differential evolution framework.Parents ...
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