Cited By
View all- Sughimura NSuzuki RArita T(2018)Non-uniform Cellular Automata based on Open-ended Rule EvolutionArtificial Life and Robotics10.1007/s10015-014-0145-119:2(120-126)Online publication date: 15-Dec-2018
The dynamical behavior of non-uniform cellular automata is compared with the one of classical cellular automata. Several differences and similarities are pointed out by a series of examples. Decidability of basic properties like surjectivity and ...
In this paper, we investigate non-uniform elementary cellular automata (i.e., one-dimensional cellular automata whose cells can use different Wolfram rules to update their states) in the context of number conservation. As a result, we ...
This paper compares the performance of a canonical genetic algorithm (CGA) against that of the triploid genetic algorithm (TGA) introduced in [10], over a number of well known deceptive landscapes in order to increase our understanding of the TGA's ...
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