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Improving the human readability of features constructed by genetic programming

Published: 07 July 2007 Publication History


The use of machine learning techniques to automatically analyse data for information is becoming increasingly widespread. In this paper we examine the use of Genetic Programming and a Genetic Algorithm to pre-process data before it is classified by an external classifier. Genetic Programming is combined with a Genetic Algorithm to construct and select new features from those available in the data, a potentially significant process for data mining since it gives consideration to hidden relationships between features. We then examine techniques to improve the human readability of these new features and extract more information about the domain.


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  1. Improving the human readability of features constructed by genetic programming



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    GECCO '07: Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation
    July 2007
    2313 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 07 July 2007


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    Author Tags

    1. classification
    2. feature construction
    3. feature selection
    4. genetic algorithm
    5. genetic programming
    6. human readability
    7. knowledge discovery
    8. parsimony
    9. post-processing


    • Article



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    GECCO '07 Paper Acceptance Rate 266 of 577 submissions, 46%;
    Overall Acceptance Rate 1,669 of 4,410 submissions, 38%


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    • (2023)Multi-Objective Multi-Gene Genetic Programming for the Prediction of Leakage in Water Distribution NetworksProceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference10.1145/3583131.3590499(1357-1364)Online publication date: 15-Jul-2023
    • (2023)An Efficient Iterative Approach to Explainable Feature LearningIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems10.1109/TNNLS.2021.310704934:5(2606-2618)Online publication date: May-2023
    • (2022)Evolving Interpretable Classification Models via Readability-Enhanced Genetic Programming2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)10.1109/SSCI51031.2022.10022164(1691-1697)Online publication date: 4-Dec-2022
    • (2018)Have your spaghetti and eat it tooGenetic Programming and Evolvable Machines10.1007/s10710-010-9122-112:2(121-160)Online publication date: 24-Dec-2018

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