Cited By
View all- Pappa GFreitas A(2010)Creating Rule Ensembles from Automatically-Evolved Rule Induction AlgorithmsAdvances in Machine Learning I10.1007/978-3-642-05177-7_13(257-273)Online publication date: 2010
Although niching algorithms have been investigated for almost four decades as effective procedures to obtain several good and diverse solutions of an optimization problem, no effort has been reported on combining different niching algorithms to form an ...
Multi-modal Optimization refers to finding multiple global and local optima of a function in one single run, so that the user can have a better knowledge about different optimal solutions. Multiple global/local peaks generate extra difficulties for the ...
Evolutionary algorithms are among the most successful metaheuristics for hard optimization problems. Nonetheless, there is still much room for improvement of their effectiveness, especially in the multimodal problems, where the algorithms are prone to ...
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