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Supporting intelligent Web search

Published: 01 October 2007 Publication History


Search engines continue to struggle to provide everyday users with a service capable of delivering focussed results that are relevant to their information needs. Moreover, traditional search engines really only provide users with a starting point for their information search. That is, upon selecting a page from a search result list, the interaction between user and search engine is effectively over and the user must continue their search alone. In this article, we argue that a comprehensive search service needs to provide the user with more help, both at the result list level and beyond, and we outline some recommendations for intelligent Web search support. We introduce the SearchGuide Web search support system and we describe how it fulfils the requirements for a search support system, providing evaluation results where applicable.


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    1. Collaborative search
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    3. explanation
    4. interaction history
    5. personalization
    6. visualisation


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