Cited By
View all- Yamamoto MKomeda MNagamatsu TWatanabe TSundstedt VSennersten C(2011)Hyakunin-EyesshuProceedings of the 1st Conference on Novel Gaze-Controlled Applications10.1145/1983302.1983307(1-4)Online publication date: 26-May-2011
The article describes an effort at Microsoft whose primary goal is to enable applications to have uniform access to data stored in diverse DBMS and non DBMS information containers. Applications continue to take advantage of the benefits of database ...
This paper presents an overview of OLE DB, a set of interfaces being developed at Microsoft whose goal is to enable applications to have uniform access to data stored in DBMS and non-DBMS information containers. Applications will be able to take ...
This paper presents an overview of OLE DB, a set of interfaces being developed at Microsoft whose goal is to enable applications to have uniform access to data stored in DBMS and non-DBMS information containers. Applications will be able to take ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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