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View all- Chellappa RSin R(undefined)Competing in the Presence of Privacy Concerns: A Model of the Market for Customer InformationSSRN Electronic Journal10.2139/ssrn.991153
Advances in information-acquisition technologies and the increasing strategic importance of this information have created a market for consumers' personal and preference information. Behavioral research suggests that consumers engage in a privacy ...
One important factor that determines the quality of web-based customer service is the ability of a firm's website to provide individual caring and attention. In this sense, online vendors try to offer varieties of web-based personalization. However, ...
We present a model of dynamic competition between two firms where firms gather customer information through first-period purchase. This creates asymmetric information in the second period whereby a firm knows more about its own past customers than its ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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