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Welcome to the ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, CIVR 2007. After 5 editions, the CIVR conference has now become an official ACM Conference and an IAPR co-sponsored event. The conference is one of the most important and influential events in this area and successfully gathers the important researchers and practitioners from academia and industry. Image and video retrieval continue to be among the most exciting and fastest-growing research areas in the field of multimedia technology. However, opportunities for the exchange of ideas between different groups of researchers, and between researchers and potential users of image/video retrieval systems, are still limited. CIVR is set up to present the state of the art in image and video retrieval by researchers and practitioners from throughout the world and to provide an international forum for the discussion of challenges in the fields of image and video retrieval.
This year 191 submissions from 41 countries were submitted and, after being reviewed by the Program Committee members, 71 were accepted for presentation (22 orals and 49 posters). Additionally, we have two excellent invited presentations given by Prof. Keith van Rijsbergen from the University of Glasgow, UK, and Prof. Andrew Zisserman, from the University of Oxford, UK.
The potential of academic results are best communicated through demos. This year the demo session contains 15 technical demos. In addition we have three life competitions on image retrieval, video copy detection and video retrieval. The latter, called the VideOlympics, is a competition in which several state-of-the-art systems are competing simultaneously on a video retrieval task.
Proceeding Downloads
A content-based image retrieval scheme allowing for robust automatic personalization
The retrieval performance of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems is often disappointingly low, mainly due to the subjectivity of human perception. Relevance feedback (RF) has been widely considered as a powerful tool to enhance CBIR systems by ...
An in-memory relevance feedback technique for high-performance image retrieval systems
Content-based image retrieval with relevant feedback has been widely adopted as the query model of choice for improved effectiveness in image retrieval. The effectiveness of this solution, however, depends on the efficiency of the feedback mechanism. ...
Image retrieval on large-scale image databases
Online image repositories such as Flickr contain hundreds of millions of images and are growing quickly. Along with that the needs for supporting indexing, searching and browsing is becoming more and more pressing. In this work we will employ the image ...
Automatic image annotation by an iterative approach: incorporating keyword correlations and region matching
Automatic image annotation automatically labels image content with semantic keywords. For instance, the Relevance Model estimates the joint probability of the keyword and the image [3]. Most of the previous annotation methods assign keywords separately. ...
Interpretability based interest points detection
This paper deals with a new interest points detector. Unlike most standard detectors which concentrate on the local shape of the signal, the main objective of this new operator is to extract interpretable points from the image context. The basic ...
VAST MM: multimedia browser for presentation video
In the domain of candidly captured student presentation videos, we examine and evaluate approaches for multi-modal analysis and indexing of audio and video. We apply visual segmentation techniques on unedited video to determine likely changes of topics. ...
Automated production of TV program trailer using electronic program guide
This paper proposes two automated methods for producing TV program trailers (short video clips to advertise the program). Program trailers are useful as the representative video of a content retrieval system that operates in a large archive of program ...
Video parsing based on head tracking and face recognition
In this paper, we describe a fully automatic video retrieval prototype system that uses an image or a video sequence of an interested identity as probe. The system is based on face vision techniques including face detection and tracking, face alignment ...
Web image retrieval on ImagEVAL: evidences on visualness and textualness concept dependency in fusion model
We present in this article an efficient visuo-textual Web Image Retrieval system (WIR), which is the second best system according to the official European ImagEVAL 2006 campaign evaluation. It uses very simple tfidf textual analysis, and subband entropy ...
Online video recommendation based on multimodal fusion and relevance feedback
With Internet delivery of video content surging to an un-precedented level, video recommendation has become a very popular online service. The capability of recommending relevant videos to targeted users can alleviate users' efforts on finding the most ...
SemanticVox: a multilingual video search engine
In this paper, we describe the SemanticVox project. SemanticVox aims at providing a real link between speech transcription technologies from Vecsys [8] based on LIMSI research [9] and multimedia documents analysis and retrieval technologies from the ...
Shaping 3D multimedia environments: the MediaSquare
- Michael Dittenbach,
- Helmut Berger,
- Ronald Genswaider,
- Andreas Pesenhofer,
- Andreas Rauber,
- Thomas Lidy,
- Dieter Merkl
In this paper we describe The MediaSquare, a 3D Multimedia Environment we are currently developing, where users are impersonated as avatars enabling them to browse and experience multimedia content by literally walking through it. Users may engage in ...
3D-Model search engine from photos
In this paper, we present the FOX-MIIRE 3D-Model Search Engine. Our search engine is based on Adaptive Views Vlustering (AVC) algorithm [4]. The AVC method uses statistical model distribution scores to select the optimal number of views to characterise ...
RETIN: a smart interactive digital media retrieval system
- Julien Gony,
- Matthieu Cord,
- Sylvie Philipp-Foliguet,
- Philippe H. Gosselin,
- Frederic Precioso,
- Michel Jordan
This demonstration presents a digital media retrieval system for searching large categories in different media databases. The core of our system is an interactive online classification based on user labeling. The classification is obtained with a ...
Video and image copy detection demo
This paper presents a content-based copy detection (CBCD) technologies demonstrator. It is composed mainly of a graphical user interface connected to two existing CBCD systems (developed by INRIA and INA), one for still images and one for videos. The ...
Real-time object tracking with relevance feedback
Currently there are many systems available that use relevance feedback for text and image retrieval. This query by example method has been shown to optimize the search strategy whilst keeping a fast response time, two important factors when querying ...
Flexible test-bed for unusual behavior detection
- István Petrás,
- Csaba Beleznai,
- Yiğithan Dedeoğlu,
- Montse Pardàs,
- Levente Kovács,
- Zoltán Szlávik,
- László Havasi,
- Tamás Szirányi,
- B. Uğur Töreyin,
- Uğur Güdükbay,
- A. Enis Çetin,
- Cristian Canton-Ferrer
Visual surveillance and activity analysis is an active research field of computer vision. As a result, there are several different algorithms produced for this purpose. To obtain more robust systems it is desirable to integrate the different algorithms. ...
ACADI showcase - automatic character indexing in audiovisual document
We propose a system which permits to describe and structure audiovisual documents without training, nor corpus knowledge, and to visualize with an interface the principal interventions. It posts the most significant person list of the processed ...
SemRetriev: an ontology driven image retrieval system
This paper describes the technical details of SemRetriev, a prototype system for image retrieval which combines the use of an ontology which structures an image repository and of CBIR techniques. The system models a real-world situation by including ...
A new intelligent systems approach to 3D animation in television
Nowadays, the automatic processing for 3D facial animation has been studied intensively and a variety of techniques has been proposed so far. For instance, some facial animation softwares are based on audio capture [5] and others are based on motion ...
Demonstration of assembly work using augmented reality
- Tapio Salonen,
- Juha Sääski,
- Mika Hakkarainen,
- Theofanis Kannetis,
- Manolis Perakakis,
- Sanni Siltanen,
- Alexandros Potamianos,
- Otto Korkalo,
- Charles Woodward
In this paper, we describe the demonstration system in which a wooden 3D puzzle is assembled using an augmented reality system. The 3D puzzle emulated a simplified assembly task in a factory. We use the 3D puzzle as a means to study how to implement an ...
IBM multimodal interactive video threading
In this demo we present a novel approach for (a) automatic labeling and grouping of multimedia content using existing metadata and semantic concepts, and (b) interactive context driven tagging of clusters of multimedia content. Proposed system leverages ...
Visual information retrieval using synthesized imagery
In this project (VIRSI) we investigate the promising content-based retrieval paradigm known as interactive search or relevance feedback, and aim to extend it through the use of synthetic imagery. In relevance feedback methods, the user himself is a key ...
Dynamic texture detection, segmentation and analysis
Dynamic textures are common in natural scenes. Examples of dynamic textures in video include fire, smoke, clouds, trees in the wind, sky, sea and ocean waves etc. In this showcase, (i) we develop real-time dynamic texture detection methods in video and (...
Demonstration of image retrieval based on illumination invariant textural MRF features
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems target database images using feature similarities with respect to the query. Our CBIR demonstration utilises novel illumination invariant features, which are extracted from Markov random field (MRF) based ...
Inducing a perceptual relevance shape classifier
In this paper, we develop a system to classify the outputs of image segmentation algorithms as perceptually relevant or perceptually irrelevant with respect to human perception. The work is aimed at figurative images. We previously investigated human ...
A framework for multimedia content abstraction and its application to rushes exploration
Multimedia content abstraction methods such as summarisation, skimming and browsing are of growing importance for the exploration of multimedia collections, complementing search and retrieval approaches. The methods proposed in literature differ in a ...
Semi-supervised learning for semantic video retrieval
The automatic understanding of audiovisual content for multimedia retrieval is a difficult task, since the meaning respectively the appearance of a certain event or concept is strongly determined by contextual information. For example, the appearance of ...
Near-duplicate keyframe retrieval with visual keywords and semantic context
Near-duplicate keyframes (NDK) play a unique role in large-scale video search, news topic detection and tracking. In this paper, we propose a novel NDK retrieval approach by exploring both visual and textual cues from the visual vocabulary and semantic ...
Image annotation: which approach for realistic databases?
This paper describes an efficient approach to image annotation. It ranked first on the recent scene categorization track of the ImagEVAL1 benchmark. We show how homogeneous global image descriptors combined with a pool of Support Vector Machines achieve ...
Cited By
Attallah B, Serir A, Chahir Y and Boudjelal A Histogram of gradient and binarized statistical image features of wavelet subband-based palmprint features extraction, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 10.1117/1.JEI.26.6.063006, 26:06, (1)
Cook T, Zhang J, Xue Z, Antani S, Long L and Thoma G (2017). Automatic multi-label annotation of abdominal CT images using CBIR SPIE Medical Imaging, 10.1117/12.2254368, , (1013807), Online publication date: 13-Mar-2017.
Zhang J, Cook T, Kim E, Corte-Real M and Baloch Z (2016). A deep semantic mobile application for thyroid cytopathology SPIE Medical Imaging, 10.1117/12.2216468, , (97890A), Online publication date: 5-Apr-2016.
Law M, Cook T, Xue Z, You D, Antani S, Long L, Demner-Fushman D and Thoma G (2014). Classification of visual signs in abdominal CT image figures in biomedical literature SPIE Medical Imaging, 10.1117/12.2043045, , (90390L), Online publication date: 19-Mar-2014.