Cited By
View all- Nassimi DSahni S(1982)Parallel Algorithms to Set Up the Benes Permutation NetworkIEEE Transactions on Computers10.1109/TC.1982.167596031:2(148-154)Online publication date: 1-Feb-1982
Dynamic runtimes can simplify parallel programming by automatically managing concurrency and locality without further burdening the programmer. Nevertheless, implementing such runtime systems for large-scale, shared-memory systems can be challenging. ...
The Parastation communication fabric provides a high-speed communication network with user-level access to enable efficient parallel computing on workstation clusters. The architecture, implemented on off-the-shelf workstations coupled by the ...
Execution of applications on upcoming high-performance computing (HPC) systems introduces a variety of new challenges and amplifies many existing ones. These systems will be composed of a large number of “fat” nodes, where each node consists of multiple ...
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