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10.1145/1322192.1322221acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesicmi-mlmiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Can you talk or only touch-talk: A VoIP-based phone feature for quick, quiet, and private communication

Published: 12 November 2007 Publication History


Advances in mobile communication technologies have allowed people in more places to reach each other more conveniently than ever before. However, many mobile phone communications occur in inappropriate contexts, disturbing others in close proximity, invading personal and corporate privacy, and more broadly breaking social norms. This paper presents a telephony system that allows users to answer calls quietly and privately without speaking. The paper discusses the iterative process of design, implementation and system evaluation. The resulting system is a VoIP-based telephony system that can be immediately deployed from any phone capable of sending DTMF signals. Observations and results from inserting and evaluating this technology in real-world business contexts through two design cycles of the Touch-Talk feature are reported.


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Cited By

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  • (2014)Tactful calling: investigating asymmetric social dilemmas in mobile communicationsBehaviour & Information Technology10.1080/0144929X.2014.92874333:12(1317-1332)Online publication date: 7-Jul-2014
  • (2008)A context-aware virtual secretary in a smart office environmentProceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia10.1145/1459359.1459430(529-538)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2008



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cover image ACM Conferences
ICMI '07: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfaces
November 2007
402 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 12 November 2007


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Author Tags

  1. VoIP
  2. business context
  3. computer-mediated communication
  4. mobile phones
  5. telephony
  6. touch-talk


  • Research-article


ICMI07: International Conference on Multimodal Interface
November 12 - 15, 2007
Aichi, Nagoya, Japan

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Overall Acceptance Rate 453 of 1,080 submissions, 42%


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  • (2014)Tactful calling: investigating asymmetric social dilemmas in mobile communicationsBehaviour & Information Technology10.1080/0144929X.2014.92874333:12(1317-1332)Online publication date: 7-Jul-2014
  • (2008)A context-aware virtual secretary in a smart office environmentProceedings of the 16th ACM international conference on Multimedia10.1145/1459359.1459430(529-538)Online publication date: 26-Oct-2008

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