Cited By
View all- Wilkinson B(2012)Fundamentals of Multicore Hardware and Parallel ProgrammingFundamentals of Multicore Software Development10.1201/b11417-4(9-29)Online publication date: 9-Jan-2012
Service Grids like the EGEE Grid can not provide the required number of resources for many VOs. Therefore extending the capacity of these VOs with volunteer or institutional desktop Grids would significantly increase the number of accessible computing ...
With the rise of multicore computers, parallel applications no longer consist solely of computational, batch workloads, but also include applications that may, for example, take input from a user, access secondary storage or the network, or perform ...
Data management is one of the most important problems in grid environments. One important challenge facing grid computing is the design of a grid file system. The Global Grid Forum defines a Grid File System as a human-readable resource namespace for ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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