Cited By
View all- Conejero JCaminero BCarrión CTomás L(2014)From volunteer to trustable computingFuture Generation Computer Systems10.1016/j.future.2013.12.00534(76-93)Online publication date: 1-May-2014
Data transport infrastructures based on wavelength-routed optical networks are appealing to the grid community because they can provide a reconfigurable and high-bandwidth network service to emerging data-intensive grid applications. Traditionally, the ...
Grid computing generally involves the aggregation of geographically distributed resources in the context of a particular application. As such resources can exist within different administrative domains, requirements on the communication network must ...
Grid computing supports workload execution on computing resources that are shared across a set of collaborative organizations. At the core of workload management for Grid computing is a software component, called meta-scheduler or Grid resource broker, ...
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