Cited By
View all- Afgan EBangalore P(2018)Exploiting performance characterization of BLAST in the gridCluster Computing10.1007/s10586-010-0121-z13:4(385-395)Online publication date: 24-Dec-2018
Over the past few years, research and development in bioinformatics (e.g. genomic sequence alignment) has grown with each passing day fueling continuing demands for vast computing power to support better performance. This trend usually requires ...
This paper describes an XSEDE Extended Collaboration Support Service (ECSS) effort on scaling a campus-developed online BLAST service (BLASTer) into an XSEDE gateway to help bridge the gap between genomic researchers and advanced computing and data ...
BLASTZ is a sequence alignment tool designed mainly for aligning neutrally evolved bio-sequences and has been the choice for aligning noncoding sequences. However, its running time is impractical for high throughput alignment of long sequences, for ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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