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10.1145/1346256.1346263acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesveeConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Trace fragment selection within method-based JVMs

Published: 05 March 2008 Publication History


Java virtual machines have historically employed either a "wholemethod" or a "trace" methodology for selecting regions of code for optimization. Adaptive whole-method optimization primarily leverages intra-procedural optimizations derived from classic static compilation techniques whereas trace optimization utilizes an interpreter to select, manage, and dispatch inter-procedural fragments of frequently executed code.
In this paper we present our hybrid approach for supplementing the comprehensive strengths of a whole-method JIT compiler with the inter-procedural refinement of trace fragment selection and show that that the two techniques would be mutually beneficial. Using the "interpreterless" Jikes RVM as a foundation, we use our trace profiling subsystem to identify an application's working set as a collection of hot traces and show that there is a significant margin for improvement in instruction ordering that can be addressed by trace execution. Our benchmark hot-trace profiles indicate that 20% of transitions between machine-code basic blocks as laid out by the JIT compiler are non-contiguous, many of which are transfers of control flow to locations outside of the current virtual memory page. Additionally, the analyses performed by the adaptive whole-method JIT compiler allow for better identification of trace starting and stopping locations, an improvement over the popular next-executing-tail (NET) trace selection scheme. We show minimal overhead for trace selection indicating that inter-procedural trace execution provides an opportunity to improve both instruction locality as well as compiler-directed branch prediction without significant run-time cost.


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  1. Trace fragment selection within method-based JVMs



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    VEE '08: Proceedings of the fourth ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS international conference on Virtual execution environments
    March 2008
    190 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 05 March 2008


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    1. JIT compilation
    2. JVM
    3. region selection
    4. traces


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    • (2012)HQEMUProceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization10.1145/2259016.2259030(104-113)Online publication date: 31-Mar-2012
    • (2011)Dynamic Binary Modification: Tools, Techniques, and ApplicationsSynthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture10.2200/S00345ED1V01Y201104CAC0156:2(1-81)Online publication date: 28-Mar-2011
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