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Designing new interfaces for digital interactive television usable by older adults

Published: 01 May 2008 Publication History


The adoption of digital television (DTV), if appropriately designed, could be particularly attractive for older people, who tend to be overlooked when new services and applications are introduced, and remain a marginalized segment of the television broadcasting population. This article explores a range of methodologies and interactive approaches designed to support older people who have difficulties in using current interface models for DTV. Following an extensive requirements-gathering exercise, four different navigational layouts with a simplified remote control were tested and evaluated with older users to assess their ease of use. The results demonstrated the expected difficulties in understanding some of the terminology and interactive concepts utilized in "traditional" DTV design. Aspects of the experimental layouts suggest promising new directions in the development of visualization and navigation metaphors for user-led activities on DTV for older adults.


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cover image Computers in Entertainment
Computers in Entertainment   Volume 6, Issue 1
Social television and user interaction
January 2008
123 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 01 May 2008
Accepted: 01 November 2007
Received: 01 April 2007
Published in CIE Volume 6, Issue 1


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  1. digital television
  2. interactive theatre
  3. interface design
  4. older people
  5. participatory design


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