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10.1145/1370114.1370136acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Social aspects of a continuous inspection platform for software source code

Published: 13 May 2008 Publication History


Determining responsibility for a piece of source code is difficult when software is being developed collaboratively with weak code ownership. Nonetheless, a major factor for preventing "cowboy coding" and careless development of code is liability. We propose a tool for statistically acquiring per developer per document accountabilities and enable learning and self-monitoring processes within a development team while maintaining anonymity to a certain degree to not endanger team spirit.
In this paper we want to examine possible social effects on the development team that employment of our tool has.


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cover image ACM Conferences
CHASE '08: Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Cooperative and human aspects of software engineering
May 2008
120 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 13 May 2008


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  1. code inspection
  2. code ownership
  3. software quality


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  • (2012)First results from an investigation into the validity of developer reputation derived from wiki articles and source codeProceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Co-operative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering10.5555/2663638.2663665(126-128)Online publication date: 2-Jun-2012
  • (2012)First results from an investigation into the validity of developer reputation derived from wiki articles and source code2012 5th International Workshop on Co-operative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE)10.1109/CHASE.2012.6223007(126-128)Online publication date: Jun-2012
  • (2011)Reputation-based self-management of software process artifact quality in consortium research projectsProceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European conference on Foundations of software engineering10.1145/2025113.2025166(380-383)Online publication date: 5-Sep-2011
  • (2008)An approach for continuous inspection of source codeProceedings of the 6th international workshop on Software quality10.1145/1370099.1370104(17-22)Online publication date: 10-May-2008

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