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View all- Sarode THalarnkar P(2015)Performance Evaluation of Non Sinusoidal Wavelets for Partial Image Scrambling Using Kekre's Walsh SequencyProcedia Computer Science10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.09758(755-762)Online publication date: 2015
Video copyright is the technique for hiding sensitive data in digital video. This paper aims to introduce a new technique for video copyright namely Fibonacci based keyframe selection and scrambling for video watermarking in DWT---SVD. In this ...
The performance evaluation of watermarking scheme is done by two performance metrics: perceptual transparency and robustness. Perceptual transparency refers quality of image which is measured by ‘Peak Signal to Noise Ratio’ (PSNR). Robustness is ...
This article describes how combing the characteristics of simple textures and uneven black area distribution of a binary map, a novel blind print-scan resilient watermarking scheme is proposed. First, the flipping probability of each pixel is calculated,...
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