Cited By
View all- Kushilevitz EWeinreb EMitzenmacher M(2009)On the complexity of communication complexityProceedings of the forty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing10.1145/1536414.1536479(465-474)Online publication date: 31-May-2009
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a fundamental problem in secure distributed computing. An MPC protocol allows a set of n mutually distrusting parties with private inputs to securely compute any publicly known function of their inputs, by ...
In Shamir's (t, n) threshold secret sharing scheme, one secret s is divided into n shares by a dealer and all shares are shared among n shareholders, such that knowing t or more than t shares can reconstruct this secret; but knowing fewer than t shares ...
A central goal of cryptography is Secure Multi-party Computation (MPC), where n parties desire to compute a function of their joint inputs without letting any party learn about the inputs of its peers. Unfortunately, it is well-known that MPC ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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