Equitable distribution energy consumption of wsns
Pages 45 - 52
Power consumption is the main challenge for expanding the wireless sensor network, since the active nodes are more vulnerable to energy consumption. How to save energy and extend the lifetime of wireless sensor networks imposes a great challenge addressed by this paper. This paper introduces the tasks of scheduling and distribution of roles dormant cells of wireless sensor network (TSDRDC) to curb excessive consumption of energy consumed in duplication and unhelpful tasks. Duplicate Dropping and Roles-Dormant Cells are proposed to achieve equitable distribution of energy consumption for all nodes on the network. Integrating the advantage of protocol existing LEACH with TSDRDC approach led to improve the formation of more homogenous clusters, better performance, and increased lifetimes of wireless sensor networks.
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Published: 26 May 2008
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MobiHoc08: The Ninth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing
May 26, 2008
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
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