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Sampling-based program locality approximation

Published: 07 June 2008 Publication History


Reuse signature, or reuse distance pattern, is an accurate model for program memory accessing behaviors. It has been studied and shown to be effective in program analysis and optimizations by many recent works. However, the high overhead associated with reuse distance measurement restricts the scope of its application. This paper explores applying sampling in reuse signature collection to reduce the time overhead. We compare different sampling strategies and show that an enhanced systematic sampling with a uniform coverage of all distance ranges can be used to extrapolate the reuse distance distribution. Based on that analysis, we present a novel sampling method with a measurement accuracy of more than 99%. Our average speedup of reuse signature collection is 7.5 while the best improvement observed is 34. This is the first attempt to utilize sampling in measuring reuse signatures. Experiments with varied programs and instrumentation tools show that sampling has great potential in promoting the practical uses of reuse signatures and enabling more optimization opportunities.


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  1. Sampling-based program locality approximation



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ISMM '08: Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on Memory management
    June 2008
    170 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 07 June 2008


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    1. profiling
    2. program locality
    3. reuse distance
    4. reuse signature
    5. sampling


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