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View all- He JXu W(2023)Experimental design and analysis of polyhedral optimization algorithm based on LoongArch64 architectureProceedings of the 2023 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Data Mining, and Information Technology10.1145/3625403.3626204(212-217)Online publication date: 15-Sep-2023
- HajiHosseinKhani SLashkari AMizani Oskui A(2023)Unveiling Vulnerable Smart Contracts: Toward Profiling Vulnerable Smart Contracts using Genetic Algorithm and Generating Benchmark DatasetBlockchain: Research and Applications10.1016/j.bcra.2023.100171(100171)Online publication date: Nov-2023
- De Francesco NLettieri GMartini L(2019)Using abstract interpretation to add type checking for interfaces in Java bytecode verificationTheoretical Computer Science10.1016/j.tcs.2010.01.026411:22-24(2174-2201)Online publication date: 5-Jan-2019